8 Common Condom Problems You Should Watch Out For

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay 

They are the most used birth control and safe sex aid, but they also can come with a few problems. Here is what you should look out for…


Any improper fit could cause a number of other issues. Since they come in a huge variety of sizes, make sure to read the details or search online for something that works best for you.


Having one slip off during sex is often associated with a loose condom, even breakage. However, some of the end material can get caught in the foreskin and pull on the base material (and make things rise up or fall off).


Either the application technique is wrong) or the condom is too tight. Try a different brand/size or find some privacy and practice put them on. Another thing … yes it’s sexy to have your partner slide it on, but if it ends up causing problems, you should do things yourself.


There are several causes for a busted condom. Maybe you nicked it with your fingernails while putting it on. Perhaps it’s past the expiration date, or it was stored in a warm place. It’s also possible the package was punctured or damaged. The last thing I’ll suggest – careful when ripping things open with your teeth


I’ve experienced this one firsthand. Plus, if you have any other issues around your genitals, you might not clue in immediately. Find out if you have a latex allergy, and if you do, switch to a non-latex option. SKYN is one of my favorites.


No, you cannot use things like plastic wrap, bread bags, or candy wrappers as contraceptives!


The lack of sensation is no excuse to pass on safe sex. It’s also an old way of thinking that came from a time when condoms were thicker and uncomfortable. Now, you can try thinner ones, ones with lube, or skip kinds that have nonoxynol-9 spermicide.

8. “C.A.E.P”

There is a real thing called “condom associated erection problems”. This can be risky or outright dangerous if you choose to skip them altogether and go ahead with sex.

The good news is that there are a number of reasons someone might go limp with they try to roll one on – performance anxiety, other mental roadblocks, bad fit, irritating additives, or other health issues. In fact, men who have CAEP often have erection issues without condoms.

What condom issues have you had, and what solutions worked for you? Share in the comments!

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