Continue your adventure in the NLT saga with
Continue your adventure in the NLT saga with
Upgrade your gaming experience
Start a new chapter alongside the ending of
Treasure of Nadia. Meet some familiar faces as well as many new ladies and unfold a murder mystery in the old town of North Santiva.
Let your sexual desires walk you through the investigation.
Be passionate. Seize the moment.
Feel the sensations.
Geeignet für:

Best haptic devices to play adult games
App-gesteuerter automatischer männlicher Masturbator
Max 2
Hightech-Masturbator für Männer
Edge 2
Einstellbares Prostata-Massagegerät
Gush 2
Freihändig vibrierendes, ferngesteuertes & oszillierendes Penismassagegerät
Lush 4
Bluetooth® App-gesteuerter G-Punkt-Ei-Vibrator
App-gesteuerter automatischer männlicher Masturbator
Max 2
Hightech-Masturbator für Männer
Edge 2
Einstellbares Prostata-Massagegerät
Gush 2
Freihändig vibrierendes, ferngesteuertes & oszillierendes Penismassagegerät
Lush 4
Bluetooth® App-gesteuerter G-Punkt-Ei-Vibrator
How to play with Lovense toys
What you need: Lovense toy + Windows PC or Mac
Click “Options" on the main menu.
Click “Options" on the main menu.
Discover more possibilities
Play with Lovense Remote app
You can remotely control any Lovense toy. Enjoy solo play, partner play & group play.
Jedes Lovense-Spielzeug lässt sich über einen Lovense USB-Bluetooth-Adapter direkt mit dem PC verbinden
Sync your toys together to feel the same sensations or have long-distance play with a video or a voice call.
Sync to Sounds
Lovense toys are not only remote-controlled, but also sound-activated vibrators! How and when to use this feature is only limited by your imagination…
Remote Control
Set up in minutes and turn your smartphone into a wireless remote control, wherever you are.
Endless Possibilities
Online chat, a pattern library, an alarm clock, music-syncing, and group control are just some of the features that Lovense Remote app can offer.
Sync your toys together to feel the same sensations or have long-distance play with a video or a voice call.
Sync to Sounds
Lovense toys are not only remote-controlled, but also sound-activated vibrators! How and when to use this feature is only limited by your imagination…
Remote Control
Set up in minutes and turn your smartphone into a wireless remote control, wherever you are.
Endless Possibilities
Online chat, a pattern library, an alarm clock, music-syncing, and group control are just some of the features that Lovense Remote app can offer.
Black Friday
Toys recommended by your friends
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Coupons not applicable to Christmas Gift Boxes,Lovense Webcam,Lovense Sex Machine, Lovense Mini Sex Machine,Gush2,Osci 3.
Je Tiefer,
Desto Stärkere
Neu Mission 2
Ausgestattet mit Tiefensensoren, die die Vibrationsintensität erhöhen, wenn sie tiefer eingeführt werden.